Tag: learning

January 18, 2023 AB No comments exist

Refraining from continuing with a habit is just part of the equation. But if we start consciously working on forming a new habit while giving up an old one, our brain will be busy creating brand new neurological connections and will be less likely to revisit the old ones. And if we ensure that the new activity causes the release of dopamine, we’re more likely to stick to the new routine thanks to the good feeling we get from doing so.

February 6, 2020 AB 1 comment

Mixing butterflies and skating can be a dangerous thing. Or at least it was for me, as it lead me to a broken wrist. Today, I tell the story of coping with my recent wrist fracture. Event Have you heard of the butterfly effect, where a butterfly flapping its wings causes a typhoon on the…

July 13, 2018 AB No comments exist

Expressing in a written form why I love libraries has been on my mind for quite some time. Being a faithful – and frequent – user of the library services for most of my life, I feel it’s the least I can do to say a meaningful thank-you. Who knows, maybe by stating that I…

June 12, 2018 AB 1 comment

Teaching moments come in the most unexpected, often painful ways. And the more painful the lesson, the greater the chance its message will stick forever. Making a mistake could be compared to being bitten by the wisdom bug. Its venom rushes through our veins and activates the production of antibodies. As a result, our immune…

May 18, 2017 AB

When we experience a strong reaction, it usually means some of our core values are being challenged. In this post I talk about my visceral reaction to the claim that happy introverts are a rare occurrence, unlike happy extroverts, who are quite common. Cognition Rules I’d like to think of myself as a rather reasonable…