Month: July 2017

July 23, 2017 AB No comments exist

Do you know that well-being and happiness are our birth right? And that feeling happy every day is not a privilege of a selected few but a state quite common and the one that’s easy to achieve for most? Because we are alive, we are meant to be happy and have a fulfilling life. All…

July 15, 2017 AB

Want to boost your happiness level? Start by feeling grateful. By incorporating gratitude in your daily activities, you can create a ripple effect in all areas of your life. How to do it? Keep on reading… Grateful for Time Wasted Volumes have been said about the addictive nature of Facebook. Checking on your neighbourhood’s group…

July 8, 2017 AB

Synchronicities are permanently woven into our every day’s experience, although we usually call them coincidences. Have you ever thought about a friend only to receive a call from her five minutes later? Or randomly decided to take a different route to work and learn that the one usually taken had been blocked by the traffic…

July 5, 2017 AB

Reading a well-written column is a treat. But reading a column that inspires you to examine your beliefs and do some soul-searching is a true delicacy. “The Last Lecture” column by Chris Peterson struck a chord with me. Firstly, by reminding the name and legacy of late Randy Pausch, a charismatic computer science professor. Mr…