Born to Be Happy: How to Claim What’s Yours

July 23, 2017 AB No comments exist

Do you know that well-being and happiness are our birth right? And that feeling happy every day is not a privilege of a selected few but a state quite common and the one that’s easy to achieve for most? Because we are alive, we are meant to be happy and have a fulfilling life.

All that’s needed is to learn who we really are, and behave in a way that supports our values.

First Step to Happiness? Discover Yourself

How to learn who we are, then? There’s a plethora of resources teaching people how to improve and transform their lives. And there are plenty of testimonials of those who have used these tools to improved theirs. There’s even an actual science of positive psychology devoted to discovering what makes people flourish! But as helpful as this wealth of knowledge is, it can also be overwhelming. Where does one start?

A short answer? Anywhere.

Everyone of us is a unique person with their own life purpose and a set of character strengths. By recognizing and appreciating our individuality, we can pick the right tools or interventions that resonate with us. If it speaks to you, it means it will help you grow. No matter where you start or which resources you use, for as long as you stay true to yourself, you will reap the benefits.

The truth is that a path to self-discovery can be a winding one. Seldom logical but fascinating nevertheless. Just look at mine.

Trust Yourself

I’ve been on this road for over 17 years. During this time, I’ve explored the topics of nutrition, conscious living, astrology, numerology, law of attraction, quantum mechanics, epigenetics, spirituality, positive psychology and … adult learning. How? I trusted my instincts and followed the signs.

There were times when I would literally stand in front of a bookshelf in the library and wait for a book to get my attention. When I would open it, in 9 cases out of 10 it would be the topic I wanted to explore in more depth. Same with the lectures or seminars – if the invitation or announcement would come out of nowhere, it was something that would provide additional value.

That’s how I “discovered’ positive psychology – through a seemingly random email sent to my work, completely unrelated to my line of work. But it was what I needed and wanted. Thanks to studying positive psychology, I received much needed scientific validation to what I had intuitively knew was true. It gave me the feeling of arriving home.

Perhaps the reason behind my unusual path was to realize that all self-discovery systems and tools have the same, underlying message – connect with yourself? If so, I think I have succeeded.

Learn to Use

I know who I am and what makes me happy. It’s learning, beauty and laughter. But knowing is only half the battle. While it is important that we know who we are, without using this knowledge, we won’t experience happiness. For us to be happy, we need to practice happiness.

How? By doing things that make us happy!

So, in my case it’s being able to learn and to share my knowledge with others. To create new things and bring joy to the world. Being an INTP, I show my affection by sharing knowledge and information with others. By giving them trusted tools and interventions so they become the best version of themselves.

During my explorations, I have become familiar with many of the self-development systems out there. I know I can explain their principles in a down to earth way, that’s one of my strengths. If each system is a language, I’m fluent enough to have an informed conversation. I would still speak with an accent, though. So, I won’t write a PhD dissertation on numerology, but I’m quite confident with designing and delivering a Numerology 101 course.

This ‘non-expert’ level of knowledge has led me to approach self-improvement in a quite innovative way that bridges spirituality with positive psychology interventions. My friends have known this for quite some time as “Ania’s approach” and now I’m finally feeling ready to open it up to the general public. Whether it’s through learning about the character strengths, deciphering and interpreting your numerological code, summarizing the message of spiritual teachers (including channels), or understanding the basics of your astrological chart, I want to help you discover your unique gifts, talents and life purpose. I feel ready to use my knowledge of the above mentioned systems to steer you towards the materials that would advance your personal growth and resonate with your true self.

I know that well-being and happiness are our birth right. Let me show you how to achieve and maintain them. Let me empower you through knowledge and inspired actions so you can become an enthusiast of life, waking up each day eager to grow and explore. Just like I do.

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